

Choosing the Right Estate Agent

If you are thinking of buying a property in Turkey, whatever type of property you decide to buy, you will probably use the services of an estate agent. A good estate will have a wide choice of properties to choose from and can provide valuable insights into the local market. They will also be able to arrange for you to view a number of suitable properties.
It doesn’t end there though.
The services offered by a good Turkish estate agent will go far beyond those you would expect to receive from a UK based estate agent. Oludeniz Homes for example typically provide help in the following areas:

• Help with travel arrangements and airport transfers
• Assist with Residency Permits
• Provide legal advice
• Help you buy furniture for your new property
• Arrange to get utilities connected in your name
• Provide a management/key holding service
• Assist you if you want to rent out your property

Until very recently, selling property was completely unregulated. Many so called ‘estate agents’ worked in bars and restaurants, drove taxis, or worked in shops or hotels. Everyone you met could sell you a property. So, here are a few pointers to help make sure you choose the right company to deal with

• Check they are well established and for how long
• Do they have offices in the area where you are looking?
• Do they have a good track record in the local area?
• Ask for references from previous clients
• Can the estate agent provide you with certificates to show they are qualified?
• Do they represent any of the local builders?

There is no better time than now to buy in Turkey, so don’t hold back start your search at Oludeniz Homes www.oludenizhomes.com


Could You Use Your UK Home To Buy Overseas?


Could You Use Your UK Home To Buy Overseas?

Good News!  Raising money to buy your dream house abroad could be easier than you first thought.

If you have equity in your UK home, you could access a good portion of it to put towards the purchase of a Turkish overseas property.

UK Lenders call it ‘Equity Release’ and this is a way of releasing the wealth tied up in your property without having to sell it and move to another home. You can borrow against the value of your home and sell all or part of it in exchange for a lump sum.

Generally, this is how it works

• You can use the money on anything you want, for example, to buy a home abroad, top up your pension income, or to buy a few of life’s little luxuries.
You’ll retain legal ownership of your home.
• You can stay in your home for as long as you want.
• Unlike a traditional mortgage, there are no monthly repayments. Each year interest is added to the loan and on any interest previously added. The loan and interest are repaid in full, usually from the sale of your home, when you die or go into long-term care.
• Some lenders offer a ‘no negative equity’ guarantee, so you, or your estate, will never pay back more than the eventual sale price of your home, provided this is sold for the best price reasonably obtainable.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

Obviously, Equity Release is subject to status and a few other qualifying criteria. Most of the major lenders have products relating to equity release so why not have a browse on the internet to see what is available?

Your dream place in the Turkish sun might be a lot nearer than you first thought!  


Turkish Wills and Inheritance when Buying Property in Turkey

Turkish Wills and Inheritance buying property in Turkey
Turkish Wills & Inheritance 
www.oludenizhomes.com / info@oludenizhomes.com

Planning on purchasing property in Turkey?  First, take a look at our simple guide to buying property in Turkey?

Many people, once they visit Turkey on several occasions start to think about buying property in Turkey.  Some say they fell in love with Turkey so much, they purchased property whilst on Holiday.

Why? The answer is simple:- 

Cheaper properties, cheaper living, cheaper bills, cheaper food, Sun, sand, beaches, beauty, scenery to take your breath away, yachting tours around some of the most beautiful islands in the med, gourmet and traditional food.  As-well as all of the above benefits, Turkey still manages to keep the very old beautiful and quaint Turkish traditional feel among'st many of its towns and cities whilst incorporating the most modern state of the art restaurants, bars, shops and hotels.

Even more interested in buying property in Turkey?

Turkish law involving property you own upon death, can be quite different to other countries. It is important to be aware of Turkish Inheritance Law if you are planning on living in Turkey or owning property in Turkey.

The Turkish legal system is now integrated with the Continental European System, bringing in elements of the German, French, Swiss and Italian codes,  it is therefore important you understand the differences in inheritance law for immovable objects.  Owning a property in Turkey is classed as an immovable object (i.e you cannot move it or take it with you)

Property in Turkey is regulated and governed by Turkish law regardless of which nationality you are. If you own property and unfortunately die without having made a will and you are married, your Turkish property will be divided along the following lines:-

If you die without having made a Turkish Will - the following Law will apply
  • If the property was in joint names, your spouse will automatically retain 50% of the property, 
  • The first heirs are the children of the deceased and they will receive the other 50%
  • However, if property is jointly owned the spouse will also receive 25% of the deceased share, reducing the childrens share to 25%.
  • Children are the first heirs, if property is not in joint names children automatically receive 75% of the statutory share.
  • If NO CHILDREN,  the parents of the deceased will inherit the 50% along with the parents offsprings i.e brothers and sisters of the deceased will automatically receive 25% of the statutory share.
  • IF NO PARENTS are alive, the grandparents and offspring are the rightful heirs
  • If there are no surviving next of kin, The spouse will receive everything.
  • If there are no surviving heirs, the Turkish government keeps the property
Creating a Turkish Will
  • To draw up a Turkish Will, it has to be in the form specified by the Turkish Civil Code.  A foreign will does not comply with Turkish Law and may be invalid.
  • You must be 'of sound mind' and over the age of 15
  • The will can be hand written, official form or verbally before a Turkish Notary or Justice of the Peace (A Judge) with two witnesses.  If verbally, a holograph will then be written in the testators handwriting and given to the court for safe keeping.
  • Official wills give you more security as they are executed before officers and less likely declared void after death.
  • An official will is held and preserved at the notary public offices or the civil court judge
  • A copy may be provided on demand.
Please Note:  Wills can be revoked for many reasons upon death.  Seek the advice of a lawyer if a Turkish Will was executed and held at the notary public or civil court.

As parents you may wish your children to inherit the property while you are still alive.  This can be done, however both parents must be married and the parents can still manage the property whilst still alive, or the parents can appoint a 3rd party to manage the property.

Turkish Laws are complex and sometimes difficult to understand. As you can see the Law is in favor of protecting the extended family when it comes to death whilst owning property.  

Overall the choice is yours.
  1. No will - Leave the split of property to Turkish Law dividing property between extended family.
  2. Create a will - gain power of what happens to your property.
Now that you understand a little about Inheritance and Wills in Turkey, if you require further information regarding buying property in Turkey,  please do not hesitate to contact us at 


or Visit our website www.oludenizhomes.com

We would be more than happy to assist you with any questions you have.



Property in Hisaronu, Turkey

Interested in buying property abroad?

Hisaronu is one of the most popular resorts here in Fethiye for both holiday makers and expats. With the abundance of shops, restaurants and bars, Hisaronu plays host to many different nationalities.

Property in Hisaronu is proving popular among'st people wishing to own their own property to then frequently holiday within the area, or choose to gain rental income in the holiday season from seasonal holiday makers.

Here is a small selection of properties we have for sale in Hisaronu.  Take a look at our property portfolio on our website http://bit.ly/1IXo3ZO

£96,000 Apartment For Sale in Hisaronu

£59,950 Apartment for sale in Hisaronu

£159,000 Villa for sale in Hisaronu



Summers on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey are hot and the chances to experience heat waves are very high. As much as we love the summer and we wait for the hot days, a heat wave can cause problems if we don’t take some precautions.

Here at Oludenizhomes we have come up with our own Top Ten Tips on how to stay cool during the high temperatures.


  1. Water! Although this may seem obvious, many people forget to drink enough water to stay hydrated and with high temperatures come fluid loss from your body. Sip plenty of water throughout the day.
  2. Avoid drinks with caffeine along with alcohol, both dehydrate your body whilst increasing the metabolic heat in your body. Try to stick to mineral water or low sugar fizzy drinks. 
  3. Rather than eat large meals try to eat small and often. Larger meals also increases the metabolic rate in your body to break down the food. Also foods high in protein increases metabolic heat.
  4.  Keep curtains closed in your house, to avoid the hot sun shining through.
  5.  Avoid wearing make up, Make up can delay the sweating process making you feel hotter. 
  6. Wear breathable footwear and lighter coloured clothes, lighter colourd clothes reflects the sun. Avoid darker clothes as this attracts the sun.
  7.  Run your wrists under a cold tap every couple of hours for 5-10 seconds. A main vein passes through the wrist which helps cool the bloood. 
  8. Before going to bed, take a cool shower just below body temperature. Avoid a cold shower, as once you exit the shower your body will automatically generate heat to compensate for the body's heat loss. It may also help to wrap a bed sheet in a plastic bag and put in the fridge for a couple of hours before bedtime. 
  9. Women can lower their body temperatures by using Aloe Vera body moisturizer morning and evening.
  10.  The night before you head to the beach, put some cloths or flannels in the freezer. Take them with you to the beach wrapped inside a plastic bag or better still a cooler bag. When feeling hot, take them out and place over your face. 


  1. Eat Spicy, Yes, this may sound like the last thing you feel like eating in hot weather. However, researchers say chillies and curries can stimulate the heat receptors in your mouth and enhance circulation which in turn causes sweating ultimately cooling the body down.
  2. Drink Herbs, Chrysanthemum tea is a cooling herb which helps clear the mind also.


The Saudi King Arrives with 1,000 entourage at French Riviera

We all know the Rich and Famous have their say as to what they want and when they want it.
However, the local people of  Vallauris on the French Riviera are not taking the Kings demands lightly.  100,000 people have signed a petition declaring the beach kept open to the public

The king, due to security and privacy reasons requests the tourist beach (Mirandole)  be closed to the public whilst he stays in his luxury private villa with his entourage of 1000 people.   The King has also gained approval to build his own private lift from the luxury villa to the private beach with access also forbidden from local police.  His plans also include a staircase and wooden walkways from his villa down to the beach so his feet never hit the sand.

We at Oludenizhomes could not help but notice the villa and the beach the King is currently residing at.  The main reason we noticed of course is that we specialise in property and live and work in one of the most beautiful parts of Turkey.
Knight Island Property for Sale
Whilst the Kings Villa is extremely large and the beach private (if the King gets his own way), we have our very own Knight Island here in Fethiye with some fantastic property for sale.  Also here in Fethiye and Gocek we see many rich and famous guests from all over the world including Roman Abramovich, Chelsea football clubs owner who frequently visits Fethiye on his luxurious yacht.

Fethiye,  A wonderful and beautiful place still to be discovered by thousands.

Knight Island Fethiye Turkey
Knight Island, Fethiye, Turkey

A Guide to Changing Your Money in Turkey - Currency Exchange

Coming to Turkey on holiday and getting used to using ‘Foreign Money’ can sometimes be a little confusing right? How much should I change? Where will I get the best exchange rate? Should I obtain my foreign currency in my home country or wait till I get to Turkey?

Whether you are travelling to Turkey for a holiday or living in Turkey, These are all questions most of us have asked ourselves aren’t they?

First of all, not many people are aware of this, but according to Turkish law no.1567 it is illegal to exchange money anywhere other than a bank or authorised Money Exchange Office in Turkey.

The reality is that more often than not, you will see local shops, hotels, bars and restaurants all willing to buy your currency from you – be it Sterling, Euro or Dollars. They often give you the ‘going rate’ and there is nothing more convenient than being sat in a bar sipping a nice cool drink being catered for by friendly bar staff. Be careful, although it is fairly common, you are breaking the law. Also make sure the exchange rate you are getting is competitive! And of course it is not guaranteed the money you receive from these illegal places is not counterfeit money.

Top Tips to Consider

1. Change your money in Turkey. You always get a better rate for Turkish Lira in Turkey than you will in your home country.

2. The rates in the resorts are never as good as they are in a town or city. Invariably, tourist resorts and airports will offer you less.

3. Always compare the rates by looking at different places. You might be surprised just how much they can vary.

4. Rates always seem to be better when the banks are open. So, after 5pm when the online trading rates are not available, you might find the rate will drop. The same goes for the weekend. We always find the best rates are available from Tuesdays to Thursdays.

5. When you have changed your currency, always count your money and check you have been given the correct amount at the point of exchange. Check it even if the server uses a counting machine or counts it out right in front of you.

6. Most exchange places do not charge a fee or commission for exchanging your currency. But do check in advance to avoid any shocks.

7. Use the calculator on your phone to check what you get is what you expected.

Hopefully the above advice may have helped you in some way. Enjoy your holiday!!

Property for Sale in Turkey  


Welcome To Oludenizhomes New Blog Site

Hello and welcome to our new blog direct from Oludenizhomes in Turkey

Our aim is to produce great content regarding everything about Turkey and of course property.  We will be keeping our readers up to date with the latest property trends, global news and general Turkish news. 

We also understand some of our readers may be concerned regarding the latest governmental actions in Turkey and it's surrounding areas, all of which sadly effect peoples decisions to either visit or invest in Turkey.  Please stay tuned, we will be giving our very own insight into all the latest developments..

Thank you

The Team at Oludenizhomes